I have been (rightfully) called out by my folks for not updating the website in FOREVER and now so many cool things have happend that I am embarrassed. This is called the PI walk of shame. We have had a ton of great things going on. We’ve also been barreling down towards a facility shutdown, so….that’s my excuse. Here’s my attempt at catchup!
In June, we had CVR Trainee Day. Organized by our trainees to highlight their work. They put the whole thing together - schedule, speakers, food, games (bingo) prizes. It literally brought tears to my eyes with how good of a job they did. Dang, we have some great trainees! They love being in CVR and it is evident.
Kaleigh and Rachael were part of the organizing committee. Rachael, Maris, Cade, and Neal all gave presentations.
Also Neal was given a special award from Paul Duprex, CVR Director!
More photos in the Gallery